Alexander Branavets

Game Development, Mobile Games, Unity Developer

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Graphic Design & UI / UX:
PlayerPrefs Elite plugin for Unity 3D

PlayerPrefs Elite plugin for Unity 3D. Anti-cheat solution for all platforms. Protect your game from cheating and modification for items, levels, highscores or something else. No need to code for view states, edit or delete your Player Prefs values in real time through PlayerPrefs Elite visual editor.
PlayerPrefs Elite plugin: Main PlayerPrefs Elite plugin for Unity 3D: Light interface. PlayerPrefs Elite plugin for Unity 3D: Dark interface. PlayerPrefs Elite plugin for Unity 3D: Complete User Manual with examples of use.
Supported: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS X, Windows Phone 8, Windows Store (Metro), BlackBerry, Unity Web Player, Linux. Can be bought in Unity Asset Store.
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